pianob is a new online journal created to give greater recognition to critical reflections on contemporary art languages and to the system that characterizes its increasingly complex and global dynamics

pianob begins with the coming together of professors from various Italian Universities involved in the study and research on contemporary art from different perspectives, and open to transdisciplinary contributions on criticism, image theory, aesthetics, gender studies, exhibition display and museum studies, cinema, design, and architecture

pianob aims to create a dialogue and new writing spaces for the studies on contemporary art concerning the most debated topics in both scientific and academic fields, with broad thought and looking towards future developments

pianob is a journal that has set rules for quality assurance through an International Scientific Committee and Executive Board, with a double-blind peer review process and a code of ethics that follows the COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors

ISSN 2531-9876


Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Feminist History, Theory and Practices in Twentieth Century Art

edited by Cristina Casero and Raffaella Perna

The publication is part of the PRIN 2020 Project Italian Feminist Photography. Identity politics and gender strategies, wich involves three operational research units (University of Bologna, University of Parma, Sapienza University of Rome)

Published: 2024-07-11



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